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A matter of process for our providers.
Here’s the process for identification cards without an Encore Health Network identifier.
If the member’s insurance ID card does not state Encore, you may request that the member make payment on the day services are rendered, or you may elect to bill the member for those services.
If the member returns with a new card, please refund any payment collected less any applicable co-payment or co-insurance and submit the claim to the address on the card.
If Encore Health Network is not on the card, we also ask that you do the following things:
Notify Encore Provider Relations. You may fax a copy of the front and back of the ID card to Encore at (317) 621-2388. We will verify if the employer and vendor are Encore participants, or if the member is carrying an old card. If the payor has omitted identifying Encore, we will request that new cards be printed, or an Encore sticker may be applied to all insurance ID cards.
If the member states that he/she is participating with the Encore Health Network, advise the member that the insurance card is not labeled appropriately. The member should contact his/her human resources department or insurance company for a new card.
The provider may handle the members according to the providers own established policy for such an occurrence. Such a policy must be in writing and available to the member and payor upon request.
If you have any questions regarding Encore Health Network’s “wrap” plans/travel networks, please contact Encore’s Provider Relations toll free at (888) 574-8180.
Please note: All payors must identify Encore on the insurance card.