Alternative therapies for your aches, pains, and wellness
What Is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a natural, conservative, medication–free and non–surgical form of health care. The writings of Hippocrates (460–370 BC), Galen (130–200 AD), and even ancient manuscripts of the Egyptians, Hindus, and Chinese reveal some principles common to chiropractic.
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What Is Acupuncture?
For more than 5,000 years, acupuncturists have treated many diseases or dysfunctions of the body by inserting fine needles into the skin at specific points.
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Massage Therapy
Massage therapy relieves stress and tension for many people. Executives, laborers, children, the elderly, or the disabled can all benefit from massage therapy.
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A Guide to Dietetics
Dietetics is the science of nutrition, or how food and other nutrients are used by the body for growth and repair. It is also the study of how nutrients can help the body prevent or manage both acute and chronic disease. Dietitians are a source of quality nutrition information and counseling.
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List of Healthyroads Program Providers
For a complete list of the Healthyroads Program visit the Healthyroads website.